Saturday, August 31, 2019

The Lost Symbol Chapter 93-97

CHAPTER 93 Franklin Square is located in the northwest quadrant of downtown Washington, bordered by K and Thirteenth streets. It is home to many historic buildings, most notably the Franklin School, from which Alexander Graham Bell sent the world's first wireless message in 1880. High above the square, a fast-moving UH-60 helicopter approached from the west, having completed its journey from the National Cathedral in a matter of minutes. Plenty of time, Sato thought, peering down at the square below. She knew it was critical that her men got into position undetected before their target arrived. He said he wouldn't be here for at least twenty minutes. On Sato's command, the pilot performed a â€Å"touch-hover† on the roof of the tallest building around–the renowned One Franklin Square–a towering and prestigious office building with two gold spires on top. The maneuver was illegal, of course, but the chopper was there only a few seconds, and its skids barely touched the gravel rooftop. Once everyone had jumped out, the pilot immediately lifted off, banking to the east, where he would climb to â€Å"silent altitude† and provide invisible support from above. Sato waited as her field team collected their things and prepared Bellamy for his task. The Architect was still looking dazed from having seen the file on Sato's secure laptop. As I said . . . an issue of national security. Bellamy had quickly understood Sato's meaning and was now fully cooperative. â€Å"All set, ma'am,† Agent Simkins said. On Sato's command, the agents ushered Bellamy across the rooftop and disappeared down a stairwell, heading for ground level to take up their positions. Sato walked to the edge of the building and gazed down. The rectangular wooded park below filled the entire block. Plenty of cover. Sato's team fully understood the importance of making an undetected intercept. If their target sensed a presence here and decided just to slip away . . . the director didn't even want to think about it. The wind up here was gusty and cold. Sato wrapped her arms around herself, and planted her feet firmly to avoid getting blown over the edge. From this high vantage point, Franklin Square looked smaller than she recalled, with fewer buildings. She wondered which building was Eight Franklin Square. This was information she had requested from her analyst Nola, from whom she expected word at any moment. Bellamy and the agents now appeared, looking like ants fanning out into the darkness of the wooded area. Simkins positioned Bellamy in a clearing near the center of the deserted park. Then Simkins and his team melted into the natural cover, disappearing from view. Within seconds, Bellamy was alone, pacing and shivering in the light of a streetlamp near the center of the park. Sato felt no pity. She lit a cigarette and took a long drag, savoring the warmth as it permeated her lungs. Satisfied that everything below was in order, she stepped back from the edge to await her two phone calls–one from her analyst Nola and one from Agent Hartmann, whom she had sent to Kalorama Heights. CHAPTER 94 Slow down! Langdon gripped the backseat of the Escalade as it flew around a corner, threatening to tip up on two tires. CIA agent Hartmann was either eager to show off his driving skills to Katherine, or he had orders to get to Peter Solomon before Solomon recuperated enough to say anything he shouldn't say to the local authorities. The high-speed game of beat-the-red-light on Embassy Row had been worrisome enough, but now they were racing through the winding residential neighborhood of Kalorama Heights. Katherine shouted directions as they went, having been to this man's house earlier that afternoon. With every turn, the leather bag at Langdon's feet rocked back and forth, and Langdon could hear the clank of the capstone, which had clearly been jarred from the top of the pyramid and was now bouncing around in the bottom of his bag. Fearing it might get damaged, he fished around inside until he found it. It was still warm, but the glowing text had now faded and disappeared, returning to its original engraving: The secret hides within The Order. As Langdon was about to place the capstone in a side pocket, he noticed its elegant surface was covered with tiny white gobs of something. Puzzled, he tried to wipe them off, but they were stuck on and hard to the touch . . . like plastic. What in the world? He could now see that the surface of the stone pyramid itself was also covered with the little white dots. Langdon used his fingernail and picked one off, rolling it between his fingers. â€Å"Wax?† he blurted. Katherine glanced over her shoulder. â€Å"What?† â€Å"There are bits of wax all over the pyramid and capstone. I don't understand it. Where could that possibly have come from?† â€Å"Something in your bag, maybe?† â€Å"I don't think so.† As they rounded a corner, Katherine pointed through the windshield and turned to Agent Hartmann. â€Å"That's it! We're here.† Langdon glanced up and saw the spinning lights of a security vehicle parked in a driveway up ahead. The driveway gate was pulled aside and the agent gunned the SUV inside the compound. The house was a spectacular mansion. Every light inside was ablaze, and the front door was wide open. A half-dozen vehicles were parked haphazardly in the driveway and on the lawn, apparently having arrived in a hurry. Some of the cars were still running and had their headlights shining, most on the house, but one askew, practically blinding them as they drove in. Agent Hartmann skidded to a stop on the lawn beside a white sedan with a brightly colored decal: PREFERRED SECURITY. The spinning lights and the high beams in their face made it hard to see. Katherine immediately jumped out and raced for the house. Langdon heaved his bag onto his shoulder without taking the time to zip it up. He followed Katherine at a jog across the lawn toward the open front door. The sounds of voices echoed within. Behind Langdon, the SUV chirped as Agent Hartmann locked the vehicle and hurried after them. Katherine bounded up the porch stairs, through the main door, and disappeared into the entryway. Langdon crossed the threshold behind her and could see Katherine was already moving across the foyer and down the main hallway toward the sound of voices. Beyond her, visible at the end of the hall, was a dining-room table where a woman in a security uniform was sitting with her back to them. â€Å"Officer!† Katherine shouted as she ran. â€Å"Where is Peter Solomon?† Langdon rushed after her, but as he did so, an unexpected movement caught his eye. To his left, through the living-room window, he could see the driveway gate was now swinging shut. Odd. Something else caught his eye . . . something that had been hidden from him by the glare of the spinning lights and the blinding high beams when they drove in. The half-dozen cars parked haphazardly in the driveway looked nothing like the police cars and emergency vehicles Langdon had imagined they were. A Mercedes? . . . a Hummer? . . . a Tesla Roadster? In that instant, Langdon also realized the voices he heard in the house were nothing but a television blaring in the direction of the dining room. Wheeling in slow motion, Langdon shouted down the hallway. â€Å"Katherine, wait!† But as he turned, he could see that Katherine Solomon was no longer running. She was airborne. CHAPTER 95 Katherine Solomon knew she was falling . . . but she couldn't figure out why. She had been running down the hall toward the security guard in the dining room when suddenly her feet had become entangled in an invisible obstacle, and her entire body had lurched forward, sailing through the air. Now she was returning to earth . . . in this case, a hardwood floor. Katherine crashed down on her stomach, the wind driven violently from her lungs. Above her, a heavy coat tree teetered precariously and then toppled over, barely missing her on the floor. She raised her head, still gasping for breath, puzzled to see that the female security guard in the chair had not moved a muscle. Stranger still, the toppled coat tree appeared to have a thin wire attached to the bottom, which had been stretched across the hallway. Why in the world would someone . . . ? â€Å"Katherine!† Langdon was shouting to her, and as Katherine rolled onto her side and looked back at him, she felt her blood turn to ice. Robert! Behind you! She tried to scream, but she was still gasping for breath. All she could do was watch in terrifying slow motion as Langdon rushed down the hall to help her, completely unaware that behind him, Agent Hartmann was staggering across the threshold and clutching his throat. Blood sprayed through Hartmann's hands as he groped at the handle of a long screwdriver that protruded from his neck. As the agent pitched forward, his attacker came into full view. My God . . . no! Naked except for a strange undergarment that looked like a loincloth, the massive man had apparently been hiding in the foyer. His muscular body was covered from head to toe with strange tattoos. The front door was swinging closed, and he was rushing down the hall after Langdon. Agent Hartmann hit the floor just as the front door slammed shut. Langdon looked startled and whirled around, but the tattooed man was already on him, thrusting some kind of device into his back. There was a flash of light and a sharp electrical sizzle, and Katherine saw Langdon go rigid. Eyes frozen wide, Langdon lurched forward, collapsing down in a paralyzed heap. He fell hard on top of his leather bag, the pyramid tumbling out onto the floor. Without so much as a glance down at his victim, the tattooed man stepped over Langdon and headed directly for Katherine. She was already crawling backward into the dining room, where she collided with a chair. The female security guard, who had been propped in that chair, now wobbled and dropped to the floor in a heap beside her. The woman's lifeless expression was one of terror. Her mouth was stuffed with a rag. The enormous man had reached her before Katherine had time to react. He seized her by the shoulders with impossible strength. His face, no longer covered by makeup, was an utterly terrifying sight. His muscles flexed, and she felt herself being flipped over onto her stomach like a rag doll. A heavy knee ground into her back, and for a moment, she thought she would break in two. He grabbed her arms and pulled them backward. With her head now turned to one side and her cheek pressed into the carpet, Katherine could see Langdon, his body still jerking, facing away from her. Beyond that, Agent Hartmann lay motionless in the foyer. Cold metal pinched Katherine's wrists, and she realized she was being bound with wire. In terror, she tried to pull away, but doing so sent searing pain into her hands. â€Å"This wire will cut you if you move,† the man said, finishing with her wrists and moving down to her ankles with frightening efficiency. Katherine kicked at him, and he threw a powerful fist into the back of her right thigh, crippling her leg. Within seconds, her ankles were bound. â€Å"Robert!† she now managed to call out. Langdon was groaning on the floor in the hallway. He lay crumpled on his leather bag with the stone pyramid lying on its side near his head. Katherine realized the pyramid was her last hope. â€Å"We deciphered the pyramid!† she told her attacker. â€Å"I'll tell you everything!† â€Å"Yes, you will.† With that, he pulled the cloth from the dead woman's mouth and firmly stuffed it into Katherine's. It tasted like death. Robert Langdon's body was not his own. He lay, numb and immobile, his cheek pressed against the hardwood floor. He had heard enough about stun guns to know they crippled their victims by temporarily overloading the nervous system. Their action–something called electromuscular disruption–might as well have been a bolt of lightning. The excruciating jolt of pain seemed to penetrate every molecule of his body. Now, despite his mind's focused intention, his muscles refused to obey the command he was sending them. Get up! Facedown, paralyzed on the floor, Langdon was gulping shallow breaths, scarcely able to inhale. He had yet to lay eyes on the man who had attacked him, but he could see Agent Hartmann lying in an expanding pool of blood. Langdon had heard Katherine struggling and arguing, but moments ago her voice had become muffled, as if the man had stuffed something in her mouth. Get up, Robert! You've got to help her! Langdon's legs were tingling now, a fiery and painful recovery of feeling, but still they refused to cooperate. Move! His arms twitched as sensation started to come back, along with feeling in his face and neck. With great effort, he managed to rotate his head, dragging his cheek roughly across the hardwood floor as he turned his head to look down into the dining room. Langdon's sight line was impeded–by the stone pyramid, which had toppled out of his bag and was lying sideways on the floor, its base inches from his face. For an instant, Langdon didn't understand what he was looking at. The square of stone before him was obviously the base of the pyramid, and yet it looked somehow different. Very different. It was still square, and still stone . . . but it was no longer flat and smooth. The base of the pyramid was covered with engraved markings. How is this possible? He stared for several seconds, wondering if he was hallucinating. I looked at the base of this pyramid a dozen times . . . and there were no markings! Langdon now realized why. His breathing reflex kick-started, and he drew a sudden gasp of air, realizing that the Masonic Pyramid had secrets yet to share. I have witnessed another transformation. In a flash, Langdon understood the meaning of Galloway's last request. Tell Peter this: The Masonic Pyramid has always kept her secret . . . sincerely. The words had seemed strange at the time, but now Langdon understood that Dean Galloway was sending Peter a code. Ironically, this same code had been a plot twist in a mediocre thriller Langdon had read years ago. Sin-cere. Since the days of Michelangelo, sculptors had been hiding the flaws in their work by smearing hot wax into the cracks and then dabbing the wax with stone dust. The method was considered cheating, and therefore, any sculpture â€Å"without wax†Ã¢â‚¬â€œliterally sine cera–was considered a â€Å"sincere† piece of art. The phrase stuck. To this day we still sign our letters â€Å"sincerely† as a promise that we have written â€Å"without wax† and that our words are true. The engravings on the base of this pyramid had been concealed by the same method. When Katherine followed the capstone's directions and boiled the pyramid, the wax melted away, revealing the writing on the base. Galloway had run his hands over the pyramid in the sitting room, apparently feeling the markings exposed on the bottom. Now, if only for an instant, Langdon had forgotten all the danger he and Katherine faced. He stared at the incredible array of symbols on the base of the pyramid. He had no idea what they meant . . . or what they would ultimately reveal, but one thing was for certain. The Masonic Pyramid has secrets left to tell. Eight Franklin Square is not the final answer. Whether it was this adrenaline-filled revelation or simply the extra few seconds lying there, Langdon did not know, but he suddenly felt control returning to his body. Painfully, he swept an arm to one side, pushing the leather bag out of the way to clear his sight line into the dining room. To his horror, he saw that Katherine had been tied up, and a large rag had been stuffed deep into her mouth. Langdon flexed his muscles, trying to climb to his knees, but a moment later, he froze in utter disbelief. The dining-room doorway had just filled with a chilling sight–a human form unlike anything Langdon had ever seen. What in the name of God . . . ?! Langdon rolled, kicking with his legs, trying to back away, but the huge tattooed man grabbed him, flipping him onto his back and straddling his chest. He placed his knees on Langdon's biceps, pinning Langdon pain fully to the floor. The man's chest bore a rippling double-headed phoenix. His neck, face, and shaved head were covered with a dazzling array of unusually intricate symbols–sigils, Langdon knew–which were used in the rituals of dark ceremonial magic. Before Langdon could process anything more, the huge man clasped Langdon's ears between his palms, lifted his head up off the floor, and, with incredible force, smashed it back down onto the hardwood. Everything went black. CHAPTER 96 Mal'akh stood in his hallway and surveyed the carnage around him. His home looked like a battlefield. Robert Langdon lay unconscious at his feet. Katherine Solomon was bound and gagged on the dining-room floor. The corpse of a female security guard lay crumpled nearby, having toppled off the chair where she was propped. This female guard, eager to save her own life, had done exactly as Mal'akh commanded. With a knife to her throat, she had answered Mal'akh's cell phone and told the lie that had coaxed Langdon and Katherine to come racing out here. She had no partner, and Peter Solomon was certainly not okay. As soon as the woman had given her performance, Mal'akh had quietly strangled her. To complete the illusion that Mal'akh was not home, he had phoned Bellamy using the hands- free speaker in one of his cars. I'm on the road, he had told Bellamy and whoever else had been listening. Peter is in my trunk. In fact, Mal'akh was driving only between his garage and his front yard, where he had left several of his myriad cars parked askew with the headlights on and the engines running. The deception had worked perfectly. Almost. The only wrinkle was the bloody black-clad heap in the foyer with a screwdriver protruding from his neck. Mal'akh searched the corpse and had to chuckle when he found a high-tech transceiver and cell phone with a CIA logo. It seems even they are aware of my power. He removed the batteries and crushed both devices with a heavy bronze doorstop. Mal'akh knew he had to move quickly now, especially if the CIA was involved. He strode back over to Langdon. The professor was out cold and would be for a while. Mal'akh's eyes moved with trepidation now to the stone pyramid on the floor beside the professor's open bag. His breath caught, and his heart pounded. I have waited for years . . . His hands trembled slightly as he reached down and picked up the Masonic Pyramid. As he ran his fingers slowly across the engravings, he felt awed by their promise. Before he became too entranced, he put the pyramid back in Langdon's bag with the capstone and zipped it up. I will assemble the pyramid soon . . . in a much safer location. He threw Langdon's bag over his shoulder and then tried to hoist Langdon himself, but the professor's toned physique weighed much more than anticipated. Mal'akh settled on grabbing him beneath the armpits and dragging him across the floor. He's not going to like where he ends up, Mal'akh thought. As he dragged Langdon off, the television in the kitchen blared. The sound of voices from the TV had been part of the deception, and Mal'akh had yet to turn it off. The station was now broadcasting a televangelist leading his congregation in the Lord's Prayer. Mal'akh wondered if any of his hypnotized viewers had any idea where this prayer really came from. † . . . On earth as it is in heaven . . .† the group intoned. Yes, Mal'akh thought. As above, so below. † . . . And lead us not into temptation . . .† Help us master the weakness of our flesh. † . . . Deliver us from evil . . .† they all beseeched. Mal'akh smiled. That could be difficult. The darkness is growing. Even so, he had to give them credit for trying. Humans who spoke to invisible forces and requested help were a dying breed in this modern world. Mal'akh was dragging Langdon across the living room when the congregation declared, â€Å"Amen!† Amon, Mal'akh corrected. Egypt is the cradle of your religion. The god Amon was the prototype for Zeus . . . for Jupiter . . . and for every modern face of God. To this day, every religion on earth shouted out a variation of his name. Amen! Amin! Aum! The televangelist began quoting verses from the Bible describing hierarchies of angels, demons, and spirits that ruled in heaven and hell. â€Å"Protect your souls from evil forces!† he warned them. â€Å"Lift your hearts in prayer! God and his angels will hear you!† He's right, Mal'akh knew. But so will the demons. Mal'akh had learned long ago that through proper application of the Art, a practitioner could open a portal to the spiritual realm. The invisible forces that existed there, much like man himself, came in many forms, both good and evil. Those of Light healed, protected, and sought to bring order to the universe. Those of Dark functioned oppositely . . . bringing destruction and chaos. If properly summoned, the invisible forces could be persuaded to do a practitioner's bidding on earth . . . thus instilling him with seemingly supernatural power. In exchange for helping the summoner, these forces required offerings–prayers and praise for those of Light . . . and the spilling of blood for those of Dark. The greater the sacrifice, the greater the power that is transferred. Mal'akh had begun his practice with the blood of inconsequential animals. Over time, however, his choices for sacrifice had become more bold. Tonight, I take the final step. â€Å"Beware!† the preacher shouted, warning of the coming Apocalypse. â€Å"The final battle for the souls of man will soon be fought!† Indeed, Mal'akh thought. And I shall become its greatest warrior. This battle, of course, had begun long, long ago. In ancient Egypt, those who perfected the Art had become the great Adepts of history, evolving beyond the masses to become true practitioners of Light. They moved as gods on earth. They built great temples of initiation to which neophytes traveled from around the world to partake of the wisdom. There arose a race of golden men. For a brief span of time, mankind seemed poised to elevate himself and transcend his earthly bonds. The golden age of the Ancient Mysteries. And yet man, being of the flesh, was susceptible to the sins of hubris, hatred, impatience, and greed. Over time, there were those who corrupted the Art, perverting it and abusing its power for personal gain. They began using this perverted version to summon dark forces. A different Art evolved . . . a more potent, immediate, and intoxicating influence. Such is my Art. Such is my Great Work. The illuminated Adepts and their esoteric fraternities witnessed the rising evil and saw that man was not using his newfound knowledge for the good of his species. And so they hid their wisdom to keep it from the eyes of the unworthy. Eventually, it was lost to history. With this came the Great Fall of Man. And a lasting darkness. To this day, the noble descendants of the Adepts soldiered on, grasping blindly for the Light, trying to recapture the lost power of their past, trying to keep the darkness at bay. They were the priests and priestesses of the churches, temples, and shrines of all the religions on earth. Time had erased the memories . . . detached them from their past. They no longer knew the Source from which their potent wisdom had once flowed. When they were asked about the divine mysteries of their forebears, the new custodians of faith vociferously disowned them, condemning them as heresy. Have they truly forgotten? Mal'akh wondered. Echoes of the ancient Art still resonated in every corner of the globe, from the mystical Kabbalists of Judaism to the esoteric Sufis of Islam. Vestiges remained in the arcane rituals of Christianity, in its god-eating rites of Holy Communion, its hierarchies of saints, angels, and demons, its chanting and incantation, its holy calendar's astrological underpinnings, its consecrated robes, and in its promise of everlasting life. Even now, its priests dispelled evil spirits by swinging smoke-filled censers, ringing sacred bells, and sprinkling holy water. Christians still practiced the supernatural craft of exorcism–an early practice of their faith that required the ability not only to cast out demons but to summon them. And yet they cannot see their past? Nowhere was the church's mystical past more evident than at her epicenter. In Vatican City, at the heart of St. Peter's Square, stood the great Egyptian obelisk. Carved thirteen hundred years before Jesus took his first breath–this numinous monolith had no relevance there, no link to modern Christianity. And yet there it was. At the core of Christ's church. A stone beacon, screaming to be heard. A reminder to those few sages who remembered where it all began. This church, born of the womb of the Ancient Mysteries, still bore her rites and symbols. One symbol above all. Adorning her altars, vestments, spires, and Scripture was the singular image of Christianity–that of a precious, sacrificed human being. Christianity, more than any other faith, understood the transformative power of sacrifice. Even now, to honor the sacrifice made by Jesus, his followers proffered their own feeble gestures of personal sacrifice . . . fasting, Lenten renunciation, tithing. All of those offerings are impotent, of course. Without blood . . . there is no true sacrifice. The powers of darkness had long embraced blood sacrifice, and in doing so, they had grown so strong that the powers of goodness now struggled to keep them in check. Soon the Light would be entirely consumed, and the practitioners of darkness would move freely through the minds of men. CHAPTER 97 â€Å"Eight Franklin Square must exist,† Sato insisted. â€Å"Look it up again!† Nola Kaye sat at her desk and adjusted her headset. â€Å"Ma'am, I've checked everywhere . . . that address doesn't exist in D.C.† â€Å"But I'm on the roof of One Franklin Square,† Sato said. â€Å"There has to be an Eight!† Director Sato's on a roof? â€Å"Hold on.† Nola began running a new search. She was considering telling the OS director about the hacker, but Sato seemed fixated on Eight Franklin Square at the moment. Besides, Nola still didn't have all the information. Where's that damned sys-sec, anyway? â€Å"Okay,† Nola said, eyeing her screen, â€Å"I see the problem. One Franklin Square is the name of the building . . . not the address. The address is actually 1301 K Street.† The news seemed to confound the director. â€Å"Nola, I don't have time to explain–the pyramid clearly points to the address Eight Franklin Square.† Nola sat bolt upright. The pyramid points to a specific location? â€Å"The inscription,† Sato continued, â€Å"reads: `The secret hides within The Order–Eight Franklin Square.'† Nola could scarcely imagine. â€Å"An order like . . . a Masonic or fraternal order?† â€Å"I assume so,† Sato replied. Nola thought a moment, and then began typing again. â€Å"Ma'am, maybe the street numbers on the square changed over the years? I mean, if this pyramid is as old as legend claims, maybe the numbers on Franklin Square were different when the pyramid was built? I'm now running a search without the number eight . . . for . . . `the order' . . . `Franklin Square' . . . and `Washington, D.C.' . . . and this way, we might get some idea if there's–† She stalled midsentence as the search results appeared. â€Å"What have you got?† Sato demanded. Nola stared at the first result on the list–a spectacular image of the Great Pyramid of Egypt– which served as the thematic backdrop for the home page dedicated to a building on Franklin Square. The building was unlike any other building on the square. Or in the entire city, for that matter. What stopped Nola cold was not the building's bizarre architecture, but rather the description of its purpose. According to the Web site, this unusual edifice was built as a sacred mystical shrine, designed by . . . and designed for . . . an ancient secret order.

Friday, August 30, 2019

High School and Graduation Essay

Graduation is a goal that everyone wants to accomplish in life. Whether it is from daycare, middle school, high school, or college, it’s a major accomplishment. Graduation from high school was something that I always looked forward to. The fact that it took twelve years of grading school to get a diploma made it more exciting and made me more anxious. Graduation also comes with an emotional impact. Especially when you’ve spent half of your life growing and learning to love your fellow classmates. From making best friends in kindergarten, to making pointless enemies in middle school. We never know how big of a deal it is until high school. That is when we realize that it starts the countdown of how many days that we have left with each other. We never really realize how much we will miss everyone and everything until the closer we approach graduation. Cherish every moment! The actual day of graduation contains the most emotion for some and most excitement for others. For me, it was both. I remember the exact feeling of waking up that morning. The smell of a huge breakfast meal aroused me. It was my day. I was beyond anxious and excited. Almost so anxious to the point of an anxiety attack but so excited to the point of a panic attack. Waking up and realizing that this was my first official day of a graduate was so amazing. I was going to college. I was getting the chance to fulfill my dreams. I remember walking into the kitchen and seeing the meal and looking at my momma and crying. I sure was going to miss this. The home cooked meals and family gatherings would be missed the most. After graduation, the summer before my new beginning, was different. I felt like an adult. My parents treated me more like an adult. Going out with friends and staying out late was great. I still remember going to Orientation at Ole Miss. Meeting new people and learning the campus. Not having to worry about high school and going to meet teachers was wonderful. Life was beginning for me! Graduating from high school has changed my life dramatically. I am now a freshman in college and I love it. My first week was amazing, everything was crazy. My legs are still sore as I type this. The University of Mississippi should be named the University of Hills. There are hills galore! It seems as if everything is always busy on campus. People running around like headless chicken. I also enjoy the freedom of college. No curfew is great! As far as family goes, I miss them like crazy! Phone calls from my mother comes in seem to come like every ten minutes. So, as far as graduating goes, it’s a great experience. Comes with many different emotions. Some good emotions and some bad emotions. We realize how much we actually care for your peers. It is always fun and a great learning experience to begin a new chapter in life. I will never forget my graduation day, from beginning to end. Walking across the stage with the biggest Kool-Aid smile, hearing loved ones scream and chant my name, and looking my principal, Mike Martin, in the eyes as he hand me my diploma telling me congratulations. I’ve learned to cherish every moment I spend with my peers. I never knew I’d miss something that I hated doing so much. As I said before, cherish EVERY moment!!

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Ben Franklin Norris

Ben Franklin Norris Essay Benjamin Franklin Norris, one of the leading figures in the naturalistic style of writing, was born in Chicago in 1970. During his teenage years he moved to 1822 Sacramento Street to live with his father in San Francisco. He traveled to Paris and studied Art and was first exposed to one of his influential writers Emile Zola. He returned to San Francisco and studied the philosophy of evolution at the University of California at Berkley. He transferred to Harvard and took writing classes under Lewis E Gates. Upon graduating he attempted to make a name for himself as a travel writer. He traveled to South Africa and wrote an article about the Boer war. His plans to stay there were cut short as he was captured by the Boer army and deported back to the United States. When he returned to San Francisco, Norris began writing for the magazine The Wave. It was at The Wave that he wrote his first published article that later turned into a novel. Norris continued to work as a journalist, covering the Spanish-American war and he published a few more novels. In 1900, he began work on his second trilogy and most influential set of writings called The Epic of Wheat. The first book of his trilogy, The Octopus, was published in 1901. The second novel, The Pitt, was just near finished when he suffered from appendicitis and had to go under the knife to have his appendix removed. Unfortunately he never recovered from his surgery, and the third book of his trilogy was never written. Norris was married to a girl named Jeanette, and had bought a ranch ten miles west of Gilroy, California along route 152. Because of his death, he never got to stay there and continue writing as planned. His body is buried at the foot of Piedmont Avenue in Oakland, California, plot twelve, lot 105, site 11, on the cemetery map. Although Benjamin Franklin Norris, or Frank Norris as his gravestone reads, died at the young age of 32. He still managed to be recognized to be one of the best naturalistic writer s at the turn of the century. Norris had a short life, but it was packed full of things that had a huge impact on him. He witnessed different wars, and the industrial revolution firsthand. As a naturalistic writer, your experiences are what drive your work. Norris writing was very creative as a result of his experiences. You also could tell about his life by looking at the themes in Norris fiction books. A great example of this, is the impact of the industrialization on what he thought of as peaceful agricultural communities. The chaos of the people who lived in those communities was an expression of Norris discomfort of what was going on in his life at that time. These themes are best showcased in his novel, The Octopus. The tentacles of the octopus are a metaphor for the twisting steel tracks of the railroad choking the countryside. Norris got the idea for The Octopus from the Santa Carla valley___ where he stayed on extended vacation. It was that valley where he became aware of t he struggle between the farmers who grew wheat and the railroad monopoly that controlled the transportation of it. In The Octopus, the war is fought out in the open with violence and also behind closed doors with bribes. With this novel, Norris single handedly created a social drama in American literature. This was done through his interpretation of the ruthless era. The Octopus is hailed by many critics as Norris most impressive work or as Warren French said, A magnificent, imaginative achievement, one of the few American novels to bring a significant episode from our history to life. According to Norris, realism is the literature of the normal and the representative. The smaller details of everyday life, things that are likely to happen between lunch and supper. He says naturalism brings together the best from realism, romanticism, while displaying detailed accuracy and philosophical depth. It is a school by itself, unique, somber, powerful beyond words. Its Naturalism NorrisWord s/ Pages : 726 / 24 READ: Quick History Of Art Essay Research Paper

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Breast cancer- human diease- epidemiology Dissertation

Breast cancer- human diease- epidemiology - Dissertation Example The term ‘cancer’ refers to an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells, which are known as malignant cells that proliferate until they form a tumour, which is an abnormal mass of tissue or can be described as a swelling. This causes the malignant cells to break away from the tumour and travel through blood or the lymphatic system to other organs such as the lungs, where the uncontrolled growth cycle repeats itself. The report of a working group to the Department of Health defines breast cancer as a â€Å"primary malignant neoplasm of the breast excluding those arising from connective tissue† (Breast Cancer: Report of a Working Group to the Department of Health, 2000). This being a major problem that affects a considerable percentage of the population, it gains significance as a public health issue and needs to be addressed from that perspective. In this context, the following data published by the NHS, National Institute for Clinical Excellence, appended below in ta bulated form, is relevant: Country No of Registrations (1998) Incidence: Crude Rate Per 100,000 (1998) No of Deaths (2000) Mortality: Crude Rate Per 100,000 (2000) England 32,908 131.0 10,609 41.9 Wales 1,914 128.05 731 48.7 (Guidance on Cancer Care Services: Improving Outcomes in Breast Cancer, 2002). ... Thus, the data reveals that the problem of breast cancer, though it affects female population largely, has to be recognized as a serious public health problem. Detailed region-wise graphical data has been appended as Annexure-I to VI to this paper. The Information Centre for Health and Social Care of the NHS has published data relating to current status of breast screening programmes in heir publication titled, Breast Screening Programme, England 2009-10 as under: (Breast Screening Programme, England 2009-10, 2011) From the above it transpires that 76.9 women in England, who fall within the age group of 53-70, have undergone the screening process for checking breast cancer. On the other hand, the percentage in London shows a downward trend at 67%. Remaining regions also show the rates around 80. While this is a good percentage, considering the issue’s relevance as a major social problem, efforts need to be made to provide coverage to more women through such programmes. The rep ort further projects data for 2002-2010, with the breakup of women into three categories based on age, as under: (Breast Screening Programme, England 2009-10, 2011) From this data, it emerges that the coverage for women in the age group of 53-64 has varied by a mere 1.1% from 76.1 in 2002 to 77.2 in 2010, while that of women 65-70 has increased considerably by 44.5% from 31.7 in 2002 to 76.2 in 2010. The average coverage of both groups put together registers an increase of 16.4% from 63.5 in 2002 to 76.9 in 2010. Thus, the overall trend is encouraging while there is still scope for including more women in the purview of breast screening programmes. This growth of cancer is classified as metastatic spread as the cancer cells leave an area and form a tumour in another body

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Select a product of popular culture and identify and discuss the Essay

Select a product of popular culture and identify and discuss the ideology that it gives expression to - Essay Example For such a reason, it is in good terms with the corporate acceptance. It is because of such a reason, that it excludes any formal and official gatherings as a potential target market. There are interesting aspects of culture in the identity of Red Bull. Red Bull has expressed different culture and cult in various parts of the world. Red Bull main market routes include pubs and bars. Red Bull has built up connections and associations with other alcoholic drinks in Western Europe. It has kept distance association with other alcoholic drinks in the Asian markets. This displays the different cultural aspects it is regarded with, in different places. Red bull’s entry into the market followed a strategy rooted firmly on its brand identity. It is based on the principle that Red Bull is Yin and Yang. It proposes a concept of balance. The concept is represented by two forces or bulls that merge in opposition. Through vigorous fighting, they develop to complement and accommodate each other. They become strong, and both strive to reach the peak and perfection. This philosophy is again duplicated in the presentation of Red Bull. The presentation displays a product that attains balance between the mind and body. This implies that when one uses it, development in the body and mind is enhanced. Red Bull maintains good body and mind state, despite it being an alcoholic drink. It uses various techniques in convincing people of its benefits. Such a technique is physique. The drink promises to â€Å"vitalize the body and body†. Its close association with sports and its display that it â€Å"gives you wings† is both convincing and inspirational. It further convinces people of its ideology by distinguishing it from carbonated drinks. The carbonated drinks often contain kids and adolescent connotations. Another convincing physique aspect of the drink is in its packaging. The drink comes packed in a thin and lean can. This gives a look that is both vibrant and flexible. This

Monday, August 26, 2019

History Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

History - Research Paper Example The Minoan civilization is the oldest Greek and the oldest European civilization. Many characteristics define the Minoan civilization. One, there are palaces everywhere to be found and it stretches to the whole entire island. Every city has no walls around it. There is no fear of foreign attack and no domestic enemies of war. Every road is paved. It is during this time that the first flushable toilet is made since France in 1701 AD. The Minoan civilization is also engaged in a lot of trade and is rich and healthy. Every home has two stories. The Minoan civilization declines due to many factors. In 1628 BC, there is a massive volcanic eruption, which is two hundred miles away. The explosion and the waves destroy the Minoans’ city. It is felt from China all the way to California. By 1500 BC, the Minoans tries to rebuild their city. The problem is that they cannot rebuild because of a weakened city. In 1450 BC, the Minoan world is invaded by a civilization, the Mycenaeans. The Mycenaeans will finish off the Minoans’ world. They were the second oldest group of Greeks. In 1871 AD, Heinrich Schliemann goes and seeks the legendary city of Troy. He carries with him one book entitled Iliad written by Homer. In the same year, he goes to Western Turkey in Hissar. There he finds a gigantic mound. He begins to dig straight down and discovers nine ancient cities. Some of them are older than Troy. 1873, he states that he discovers the legendary city of Troy and he goes to search for the legendary Greek king, Agamemnon who destroys the city of Troy. He later goes to Peloponnesus in 1878 and he discovers five bodies which he thinks is the legendary king, but is not. He instead discovers the city Mycenae and the Mycenaeans. The Mycenaeans build cities on top of hills which are about nine hundred feet high. There are gigantic walls around their cities. The walls are

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Law. Discussion of views Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Law. Discussion of views - Essay Example Difference between law and morality Laws are sets of rules that are adopted by societies for regulating behaviour and conducts of its members. The society can be an institution or a territorial set up such as nations. Morality is on the other hand defined by ethical values that are held by a society. It is based on cultural practices of set ups such as communities and institutions. Principles of law and morality therefore interact with some similarities and differences. One of the differences between law and morality is in their sources. Gardner explains that while morality originates from a collective responsibility of a society, law is a creation of an individual or a group of specific people. He argues that law is made on purpose and is therefore objective driven. As a result, law is viewed as a creation of necessity and predetermined intentions. This distinguishes law from morality that emanates from cultural practices that have been held and approved as acceptable by a given soc iety. It can therefore be identified that while law is a consequence of circumstances that establishes the aims of formulating the laws, morality is based on a person’s conscience within his immediate society (Gardner, n.d., 1-3). A boundary between law and morality is also drawn with respect to the content of the two. If the two were similar, then they would be regulating matters in the same approach. This is however not the case because the two are sometimes in conflict. Some legal issues are not moral. At the same time, there exist moral issues that are prohibited by law. There are for instance laws that allows for gay marriages and slavery. In the context of morality, gay marriage and slavery are unacceptable to human sanctity aspects. Similarly, the approach to implementation of law and morality are different. While law relies on the punitive consequences for disobedience for its enforcement, morality is adopted as a culture by its subjects and does not attract a punishm ent for disobedience (Wku, 2001, p. 1). Cane agrees with these opinions that morality is a concept that exist within a society and is to be identified with, while law is created by people and must be obeyed. An act can therefore be immoral and yet legal (Cane, 2002, p. 12, 13). Difference between criminal and civil law There are also a number of differences between criminal law and civil law. The differences range from their scope to procedures that are involved in litigation. While criminal law defines offenses against a society as a whole, civil law defines wrongs committed by an individual against another individual. A criminal wrong has a wider scope and has a potential of affecting the public at large. An example of a criminal wrong is public nuisance such as emission of a poisonous air pollutant in to the atmosphere. This has a potential of affecting every individual who is within the pollutant’s vicinity. A wrong under civil law on the other hand affect a specific pers on. Private nuisance such as throwing objects into a person’s piece of land causes damage to the specific landowner or specific peoples who have right over ownership or usage of the infringed piece of land. No individual person can therefore claim compensation in a criminal case (Overbeck and Belmas, 2011, p. 19; Elias, 2009, p. 51-54). Another difference between criminal law and civil law is with respect to parties to the subject case. While parties in a civil case are the plaintiff and the defendant, parties to a criminal case are the suspect or suspects and the state, represented by a prosecutor. The prosecutor, who may initiate the case or take it over from a private individual, presents a criminal case in court. Private individuals, the

The community paramedic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The community paramedic - Essay Example Johns Ambulance of Western Australia) community paramedics are described as follows by The Council of Ambulance Authorities (CAA) report from the year 2009: The advantages of this new development are numerous and community focused. First, is that there is better access to healthcare services for isolated patients. Paramedics are often trained to reach remote locations and deal with diverse situations whether acute, emergency or chronic. This need is further exacerbated by the fact that physicians have been unwilling to attend to patients at home level (Money) due to matters of violence, cost and other issues (Magin P) (J). This therefore makes it possible for patients to access better healthcare in these remote areas. They, also provide an alternative to crowding of local health facilities that may be small or inadequately equipped. This is because facilities are known to be less equipped due to the reduced populous of the rural areas. The paramedics though, have adequate training and access to facilities such as life support that can be utilized in certain settings to enhance survival odds of patients before they get access to larger more equipped hospitals. Another advantage of the community paramedics is the reduction of load on the national emergency system 911, as they attend to the repeat cases and cases such as those of prank callers, drug abusers, chronically ill and mentally ill patients. This has a subtle advantage as it allows the 911 service to be more effective as an emergency tool for the truly deserving cases. This, though, is not to imply that the minor cases are less deserving. This also reduces the total budget cost on the state thus diverting the resources to provision of healthcare on other levels. Another advantage of this new venture is the fact that chronically ill patients, elderly patients and patients in need of frequent checkup can be catered for this is a service previously hard to come by, but highly essential for this

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Wind turbines Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Wind turbines - Essay Example According to studies, wind contributes only less than 1% of the world's energy needs (Grose 1). Even if the percentage of contribution is very low, the use of wind turbines as means to generate electricity grow continuously. This is because people nowadays discover the good benefits of using wind turbines in terms of environmental factors. However, some disadvantages still prevent other people from using wind turbines and few of these reasons are related to high cost of manufacture and noise created by these machines (Mahoney 2). Ongoing improvements on the blade's design and material are continuously done to further develop the machine in terms of its aerodynamic properties and performance. A wind turbine is a machine that can generate electricity through the use of wind power. A wind turbine has large rotating blades that are capable of capturing wind and creating kinetic energy. This energy is converted to mechanical energy which is used to generate electricity for various purposes (Mahoney 1). Shown below are the parts of a typical wind turbine: The horizontal axis wind turbine (HAWT) is also known as the classical or most commonly used wind turbine in the world. The axis of rotation of these turbines is horizontal to the ground and parallel to the wind stream (Mathew 16). Shown is a diagram showing a sample of a horizontal axis wind turbine. .. Shown is a diagram showing a sample of a horizontal axis wind turbine. The advantages of using HAWT are its structural stability and changeable blade pitch that allows greater control of the turbine and aids the blades in catching the maximum amount of wind. Versatility is also seen as one of its advantage in terms of its ability to be feathered in case of storms (Mahoney 1). 2.2.2. Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT) is different from HAWT because it is vertical to the ground and almost perpendicular to the wind direction. The VAWT can receive wind from any direction and so, complicated devices are avoided. The advantage of using VAWT is that they are not needed to be built very high. Maintenance is also easier since the VAWT is located nearer to the ground. The design is also not complicated and blades can easily be seen by birds (Mathew 19). On the other hand, VAWTs are less efficient than HAWTs since they can only produce energy that is 50% of what HAWTs can produce. Another downfall of VAWTs is that it can only rotate faster in higher elevations and with high wind velocity. Lastly, the turbine must be dismantled first in order to change or repair some parts when necessary (Mathew 19). Shown in diagram 2 is a sample of a vertical axis wind turbine. 2.3. Types of Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Blades Wind turbine can be classified as single bladed, double bladed, and three bladed. The cheapest among the four classifications is the single bladed wind turbine since it only consumes small amount of material and labor. On the other hand this design is not ideal since balance is also an important factor in wind turbine construction and single bladed wind

Friday, August 23, 2019

History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 43

History - Essay Example At that period Virginia was operating under head right system. It dawn to leaders of that time that for economy to grow there is need for labor and with that in mind the government of the day provided incentives to farmers to import workers. Masters were rewarded up to 50 acres of land for bringing labor across the Atlantic (Gray, Colonial America, p. 118). The system was being used by the plantation owners to increase their land and in addition to that received service of the workers. The system as it appears at first seems to benefit both the master and the servant because the servants were paid for fare across the Atlantic. Employment was on contact basis and on termination the servant were paid bonus, or other goodies like lands clothes or food. To the English poor it seems like lucrative offers abroad and this possibly lured Johanna smith. Many were lured out of unite kingdom with promises of land ownerships and prosperity but the reality on the ground was different.Upon arrived the condition at the ground was difficult and this made it difficult for many of them to live to complete 4-7 years of service (Gray, Colonial America, p. 118). The mortality rate was high in Virginia due to lack of food and diseases. Many wrote back to their families back in United Kingdom on their state of misery. Despite the poor state of living the masters wanted to diligently use them to maximize their returns, the servants interest were only expanding their investment while cutting cost to the possible minimum. In the first year of service the labor was required to pay back for the master’s investment and in subsequent years to make it profitable, these conditions worsen the condition because they were under immense pressure from the masters to pay back the investment within the short period of one year. Many didn’t want to extend the terms of their contract they wanted freedom and the

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Life Resource Center Scavenger Hunt Essay Example for Free

Life Resource Center Scavenger Hunt Essay Questions 1. What are the three ways that students may receive counseling services through the LRC? 2. What heading are the Health Tools and Health Challenges found under? 3. Where is the Assess Your Health tool located? 4. What are the five categories on the Live Healthy Page? 5. Where can resources and articles about good nutrition be found on the LRC? 6. What are three of the health topics that can be found on the LRC? 7. What are two categories found under the Medical Care heading? 8. Where on the LRC would a person find information on addiction and recovery? 9. Where on the LRC would a person find information about health issues related to aging? 10. What are three psychosocial health topics that are available on the LRC? Answers 1. Three ways that students can receive counseling services through the LRC is free and confidential resources of your Life Resource Center. If someone would like to speak to a Counselor over the phone or meet with a local counselor in-person, please call 866-320-2817 or use the online Request Appointment section located on the right side of this page. 2. The heading that the health tools and health challenges is found under the thriving heading 3. The asses your health tool is located under the thriving health tools category 4. The five categories that are listed on the live healthy page is How Healthy Are You, Lifestyle Change, Physical Fitness, Prevention and Screening, and Tips for Healthy Living. 5. The resources and articles about good nutrition can be found under the thriving tab under the good nutrition guidelines. 6. Three of the health topics that can be found on the LRC are Aging, Balancing, and Thriving. 7. Two categories that are found under the Medical Care heading are Dental care and Recuperation. 8. A person would find information on addiction and recovery under the Balancing Tab. 9. A person would find information about health issues related to aging under the Balancing tab/ Personal Growth 10. Three psychosocial health topics that are available on the LRC is Mental Health, Grief and Loss, and Addiction and Recovery.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Reasons for and benefits of training and development

Reasons for and benefits of training and development Executive Summary Among the first elements in the company that gets the pressed budget of the company is training for employees who often end up on the cost cutting. Unfortunately, the trained employees and qualified employee are simply that an enterprise should stimulate growth and solve problems in the lean. Innovation, flexibility and dedication required to construct dynamic companies truly come well trained and supported staff. One of the best ways to encourage and support people in your staff is through the professional development and training opportunities. Sending employees to training, or bring opportunities in society, opportunities actually brings a company with new ideas and creative ways to solve old problems. Sometimes, only employees daily grind of their daily work schedule is sufficient to boost energy and to encourage employees to revalidate their employment and society. Later in this report, that well look at some training programmes run by 2 major businesses in U.A.E, those are Emir ates Islamic Bank and InterContinental Hotel Group. We will also examine opportunities, weakness and threat on the training and development. . What is training and development In the field of HRM, training and development is the organizational activities to improve the performance of individuals and groups aiming in organizational settings. It was known by several names, including staff development, developing human resources and learning and development. Training and Development includes three main activities: training, education and development of these ideas are often synonymous. But the practitioners include three separate, although interrelated, activities, as follows: Training This activity focuses on both evaluated against employment any person currently holds. Education This activity focuses on the jobs that a person may hold potentially in the future and is evaluated with these jobs. Development This activity focuses on activities that the Organization employing the individual, or that made individual part, can participate in the future and is almost impossible to assess. The stakeholders in the training and development are classified into several categories. Sponsors of the training and development are senior executives. The customer training and development are corporate planners. Line managers are responsible for guidance, resources and performance. The participants are those who actually undergo the process. The animators are specialists in human resources management. And providers are specialists in the field. Each of these groups has its own agenda and motivation, which sometimes conflict with the agendas and the motivations of others. Typical Reasons for Employee Training and Development Training and development can be initiated for various reasons for an employee or a group of employees, for example: When a performance evaluation indicates performance improvement is necessary. Compare status improvement so far in an effort to improve performance On a programme of professional development in all By planning help an employee to be eligible for a planned succession change in the role of the organization. Pilot, or test the operation of a new system of performance management To form a specific topic, as shown below Typical Topics of Employee Training Communications: Increasing todays workforce diversity offers a variety of languages and customs. Computing: Computer skills are becoming a necessity to carry out administrative and tasks from desktop. Customer service: Increased competition in todays global marketplace makes it critical that employees understand and meet the needs of customers. Diversity: Diversity training usually includes explanations on how people have different views, and perspectives and includes techniques for the value of diversity Ethics: Today company growing expectations on the social responsibility of businesses. Also, diverse workforce today brings a wide range of values and morals rather than work. Human relations: Constraints increased labor today can include misunderstandings and conflicts. Training can people get along in the workplace Quality initiatives: Initiatives such as total, quality circles, calibration, and quality management and so on, require training base on the concepts of quality, guidelines and standards of quality, etc. Security: Security training is critical where working with heavy equipment, hazardous chemicals, repetitive activities etc., but can also be useful with helpful tips to avoid aggression, etc. Sexual harassment: Sexual harassment training usually includes a thorough description of policies on sexual harassment, organization especially on what are inappropriate behaviors. General Benefits from Employee Training and Development There are many sources online training and development. Several sites suggest reasons for supervisors conduct training between employees. These reasons are: The greater job satisfaction and morale of employees Increased employee motivation Greater efficiency in the process, resulting in financial gain Increase capacity to adopt new technology and methods Innovation in products and strategies Reduced employee turnover A better image of the company, for example, ethics training (not a good reason for ethical training!) Risk, for example, training on sexual harassment, diversity training Training is one of the most important parts of overall business strategy. Before starting a specific business or consider a potential acquisition, the first question that poses if present in the organizational skills needed or not. As a general rule, all the skills necessary for effective management of the company must be available in a company; however other core businesses can be outsourced. Training need arises because of the advancement of technology, the need to improve performance or professional development. Insight on Benefits of Training Benefits of training are intangible and invest in training benefits both, organization and used for a long time. Training improves levels of worker skills. It provides the feeling of satisfaction, which is an intrinsic motivation. Training also provides multi employees skills body. Training increases an employer engagement in their jobs and their organization. Understanding reduced employment accidents. One of the benefits of training for a larger organization is that it provides expertise in organization which reduces the overall cost of operations of the company. Quality is a key functionality needed for an organization over the long term survival. TQM (total Quality Management) and other quality management techniques require the training of staff as an important necessary to its successful implementation. Customer satisfaction increases repeat business, which is a key to success. Employee training to promote good customer relations will increase customer satisfaction and service quality. Just in time philosophy is one of the main ideas in Japan.JIT stress on reducing waste and wait times in production processes. Better training reduces wastage and machine downtime. Much of the cost of quality consists of monitoring; by providing adequate training, reduced. Training increases the productivity of employees and processes. High turnover can be a serious threat to the existence of the Organization, the major advantage of the training is that it allows reducing staff turnover and help an organization to keep its staff. Better training may offer an advantage competitive organization to others in the industry. In service industries the primary source of business income is his expertise of staff and skills, acquire professional with high skills are relatively expensive than the current acquire these skills training. Training is also a major element of the new recruits; adequate training helps understand the work, its requirements and responsibilities. Training also increases understanding of organizational culture. Training programs strengthens the communication between the different levels of an organization. Any deficiencies in the processes and jobs are eliminated and those close to production processes have become involved in the management. Clearance of personnel is a recent trend management; this empowerment will be successful in the proper training is provided to persons entitled. . Organization, Trainee and Trainer An organization has a very close relationship with the trainee and the trainer because it is the first contact for both. Demand for training in the undertaking increases when the organization wants to: Hire new people training as a means of training new recruits To expand when society wants to increase its workforce. To increase number of employees (by position) by a certain date To improve the performance of employees Name of the Organization to be part of the training unit Demand for training also increases when there is a change in the nature of employment, consumer tastes, change in the methods of product development, etc. The organization goes through the following steps to transfer training field. But the problem arises when the organization outsource training process. In this situation, the Organization assumes the trainer must be aware of the type of training s needs of participants and their organization and their content meets these needs. This leads to failure of the program, which translates collusion. Therefore, it is a duty before any organization to make the trainer and their conscious organization culture, climate, the responsibilities of the Organization, etc. Developing People and Capabilities Many organizations face the challenge to develop greater confidence, initiative, solution-finding capabilities and solving problem between their peoples. Organizations need to staff at all levels, to be more self-sufficient, creative and independent. This staff allows behavior can operate at higher strategic level, which makes their organizations more productive and competitive. The efforts of the people produce greater results. This is what all organizations strive to achieve. However, then the conventional training give people new techniques and methods, it does develop their maturity, belief, or courage, which is essential for the development of managers and strategic capacity. Yet once again focus on the development of the person, not skills. Try to see things in perspective of the person (your employees). Provide learning and experiences that they would like for their own personal interest, the development and completion. Performance and capacity are ultimately dependent on the attitude and the peoples emotional maturity. Help them achieve what they want on a personal level, and it provides a platform for confidence, emotional Contracting Organization and development of skills/process/knowledge further relevant to handle the highest responsibilities, roles and teams. Participatory workshops work well in the beginning of this type of development attitude. Involve people from the outset. Focus on what they want. You can also use a questionnaire for personal development to begin to set the stage and provides examples of learning opportunities other. It starts with the person, not skills. It attitude and emotional maturity. The principles of the emotional intelligence and methodologies to adapt very well with modern approaches to popular belief, maturity and attitude development. When people develop trust, integrity, emotionally, they are automatically more proactive, focusing on solutions, reactive, etc., on a whole team, which has a cumulative effect. Johari is a useful model too. For many people to work is simply crosses the movements, acting in a consistent status, often because they feel not secured, lack of confidence to do what they think, it is fair, or are nervous about being fat, whereas daring is absolutely necessary for self-sufficiency, initiative, greater responsibility; in fact all behaviors organizations is to encourage. You cannot teach daring persons were to experience things to feel bolder, take risks and want to take risks. This means that premium must be too or people have no reason to stick their neck and not only the perspective of a financial reward. Especially responsible additional actual Herzberg type motivators and the recognition and participation in new projects successful and interesting. This is the fuel for growth and change people. Emirates Islamic Bank UAE They are located in different Emirates of UAE. Emirates Islamic Bank provides training and development of their employees as follows: Induction programs Each new employee is attend after recruitment, and is doing a familiar employee and knows the meaning and goal of putting in place the Organization and their employment business. Course Relevant courses in the fields in the Department of the Bank that the employee works, new procedures and developments. Workshops Workshops are conducted by internal staff and external people to Bank staff in their respective fields for the benefit of their performance. Training institutes Emirates Islamic Bank is associated with Emirates Bank Institute funds to train its employees. Training Center-General conditions This training Institute provides short-term and long-term courses related to banking services on a regular basis, and the duration of the course varies from 2 to 7 days each course. Certification programs: Emirates Islamic Bank has sponsored employees for certification programs CIPA Islamic public accounting certified Emirates Islamic Bank sponsors the CIPA examination cost for its talented and senior bankers, who are expensive examinations with regard to cost, and all expenses are borne by the Bank itself. MBA programs Emirates Islamic Bank facilitates its employees to obtain an MBA by providing interest free loan, partially or fully sponsored MBA costs required employees, as the base case. Talent Pool Employees of high performance for all departments (ministries) are placed together with the potential to be responsible for transmitting them with specialized or tailor made programs leadership in collaboration with leading universities. The duration is 3-4 months. Seminars and activities These seminars are specific department; furthermore they are for personal growth, such as the construction of motivation and pastimes activities Intercontinental Hotel Group In UAE and Worldwide: InterContinental Hotel Group believes that their population led to the success of their business, so that they will invest in their skills to improve their work and progress to more difficult and more responsible position. To help make this InterContinental offers a range of training programs designed to develop their potential in the moment that their employees become part of the team of the INTERCONTINENTAL. Range of INTERCONTINENTAL functional training and leadership development initiatives includes: Revenue management The INTERCONTINENTAL provides training courses on several high-impact drivers focus hospitality managers to maximize revenue: forecasting and availability, pricing and distribution, channel management controls overbooking and group management and non-traditional revenue management applications. The course explores a subject in depth, with particular emphasis on the role of effective revenue management policy and applying practical tools and techniques for hospitality. Sales and marketing InterContinental offers training to employees of the sales and marketing, service typical course covers following topics: Effective leadership skills Marketing Research Market Intelligence Key account management Finance for managers non-finance Strategic business planning Professional sales skills Housekeeping It is mandatory for all new employees in the housekeeping service to take this course to meet high standards of service. InterContinental regularly organize training as necessary existing employees. The course develops some training for equipment and products used by the hotel in the household. Maintenance and monitoring of leadership. This training is oriented to less management; this training provides the leadership skills at the personal level supervisor. Programs for employees of the INTERCONTINENTAL online training: InterContinental uses new technology and, therefore, all members of staff have access to hardware training about the role that employees and everywhere where they work, they can also take advantage of online training programs developed in partnership with the Institute home. Senior leadership programs Senior leadership program offers a structured range of develop skills in top-level management. The program offers courses and psychometric assessment content delivered by leading academics focuses on connection with nobody, business, personal and career goals. Assessment centers InterContinental are also the only group hotel offer Assessment centers around the world to help high-performing individuals in business, management and monitoring moving on and next level roles. Four promises of INTERCONTINENTAL its employees: One of the promises of four of the intercontinental to everyone who works for intercontinental is room to grow. To support employees and give them opportunities to develop and pursue rewarding careers intercontinental will be make sure: You know what success means for your role. Youll be involved in regular feedback instructions quality You will have the opportunity to develop both your current and future roles in Find out what career opportunities are available with intercontinental worldwide. Bearing in mind a comparative study of the training and development between the international markets that Japanese work environment is a good example, which is declared as follows: A good example: Japanese, work environment Many times in and outside Japan share a picture of the Japanese work environment that is based on a model of life-employment used by large enterprises as well as a reputation for working hours long and strong dedication to the society. This environment is said to take into account economic conditions began in the 1920s, when large corporations competing on the international market has begun to accumulate the same prestige was traditionally assigned to the daimyo retention of government service relationship or feudal Japan in the Meiji Restoration. In very high, the most prestigious companies would recruit and retain the best workers by offering better benefits and job security life really. In the 1960s, employment at a prestigious company had become the goal of the children of the new middle class, the prosecution which required resource mobilization family and great perseverance individual in order to achieve success in the education system of ferocious competitive. Employees are expected to work hard to demonstrate loyalty to the company, in exchange for certain benefits such as housing, grants and employment security good insurance, use of leisure facilities and premiums and pensions. Start at low wages, but age is rewarded with promotions based on a combination of age and capacity. Leadership does not rely on the assertion itself or quick decision-making, but on the ability to create a consensus, taking into account the needs of subordinates. Investigations indicate continuing preference for the bosses who are demanding but show concern for privacy of workers on the less demanding bosses interested only in performance on the job. This system reward behavior showing identification with teamwork, indicated by sing the song of the company, not take vacation days and share credit for the achievements with the working group. Pride in his work is expressed in competition with other parallel sections in the society and between the company and other similar companies in industries. Thus, people are motivated to keep wa (harmony) and participate in activities group, not only on employment but also within hours socializing (nomikai). However, the image of loyalty group may be more a matter of ideology practical, especially for people that he do not upwards. SWOT Analysis The following SWOT analysis is carried out by comparing the training and development of employees in the UAE and Japan. Strengths: UAE is a hub of business, attracting not only work, but expats, tourists, investors and ultimately employees from a very wide range of countries and cultures to come and work in the UAE. The market and environment of UAE is very quick in adapting new changes and making developments and has the skills of applying them successfully. UAE attracts workforce from all over the world. Weaknesses: The UAE needs to reconsider its law on visa regulation, as a visa of 3 years and medical checkup very frequently, for it restricts the Employer for planning on a long term plan for the training and development of the employee. The Labor laws are not flexible enough and does not enable free market concept. Equal opportunities should be available for both locals and expats in the UAE for training and development of the Employees. Language barriers of foreign training institute operating in U.A.E with foreign trainers. U.A.E losses lots of expertise and experience when expats leave the country. Opportunities Underdeveloped national workforce, hence potential for training is high. Government is determined to develop National workforce The Growth of Free zone are encouraging Bring in training institutes from Japan to make the employees of the UAE feel as their assets and plan training and developing programs accordingly. Threats UAE despite being one of the most fastly developed countries in the world, it will not be able to develop in building a reputation of attracting new recruitments and then training and developing employees in building personalities of the people who work for them, as it motivates employees to work better and give better results. Critical Analysis Despite having several training and development programs both IHG and emirates bank consider them as over head expense. Instead of building and maintain workforce they try to hire directly skilled resource from the market. As recession has taken toll also there is considerable cut in the budget of training and development. Some time employees also attend training for the sake of training; there can be variety of reasons for this like lack of motivation, lack of interest in the subject and attitude. Conclusion The UAE is one of the fastest developing economies with new ideas from its people coming in to advance its infrastructure, technology and economy. It already is playing a major role in the training and development of its employees, but revising its visa policies and collaborating further with Japanese training institutes will enhance its workforce both locals and especially expats in working better. *************************

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Marketing Plan and Strategy for Online Company

Marketing Plan and Strategy for Online Company The marketing plan explains the creation of an on line T-shirt Company by the name of The T-shirt. It explains on what grounds the company is made and the tactics to run the business. The situational analysis explains the background of the business. The marketing plan explains how the product will be made acceptable by the audience and the methods of awareness that will used to make the product know to the market in Karachi, Pakistan. It also explains the ways that will help the product to capture the market in lesser time period. The total amount for initiating the business is $100,700/= (I need about 40,000 pounds investment)- this amount is apprx 63000 in pound, please let me know if we have to only consider the exact amount of 40,000 punds. Kindly confirm this so that we have to change the change our costing sheet. The T-shirt Companys ( the name of the company is T-Shirt company mission is to offer far above the ground superiority t-shirts to target audiences with a plan to expa nd in future moving into further product categories. It has been anticipated that the business will grow in the coming three years with gradual increases in the revenues. (And also try to set a target market like Pakistan, dubai etc, because we cant serve whole world there are different rates like currency and postage rates which will confuse us,so it is imposible to serve whole world)- Karachi is mentioned in the report now 1. SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS The availability of internet makes it incredibly easy to instigate an apparel Web site comparatively promptly. The initiative to start the business will start with the assembly of an internet based on line shop for the propagation and the development of the business. Similar to a physical, bricks-and-mortar T-shirt business, the establishment of the company is backed by research and planning for future penetration and to capture market in less time (Woerndl 2007). The online company by the name of The T-shirt Company is an innovative and exciting business that will help the customers to wear a designed- shirt of their own choice based in Karachi, Pakistan. The business will be aided by latest computer technology to help in customized printing o T-shirts in small bulks. This online company will accept orders from anywhere at any time. The option to choose the material, style and design will be always there. The front and back designing can be chosen by the customer. Hence the customer can express himself ultimately. The T-shirt with the customized designs will help a person the inner feeling of be a fanatic or a sportsman or a musician or the customer can feel the celebrity feeling by wearing a T-shirt having a picture of a celebrity imprinted on it. The T-shirt may be imprinted with a social message or a causative clause to capture the attraction of others (Urban 2004). 1.1 Marketing and Brand Strategy The company will provide a number of options for the T-shirt wearers. The business is solely meant for T-shirt ordering. The T-shirt Company will have ties with printing companies to utilize their printer sublimation technology. This will help in developing a computer image to be applied to a shirt in a high quality, high resolution, and economically feasible manner. The use of this technology will help the customer to use the shirt for a longer period of time with out any tension of the print to be washed away. The sublimation technology is cost efficient enough to offer customers the ability to order just one unit. The customer may choose from a wide-ranging collection of accessible imagery, provide their own image, or have an artist generate a representation for them (Ackerberg 2001). Marketing Sales Strategy The sales strategy will make putting the order to The T-shirt Company a pleasing experience. The sales team will continuously work for the website since it is the main portal for the purpose of ordering. The sales will work on the persistent development of the website which is considered as the main instrument used for ordering. Similarly, the website will be user friendly since it will be the direct source to come in contact with the customer. It is necessary since all the choices for the customer are available on the web portal. The sales will be performed directly on this portal. The directions for the usage of the site will be easy to understand so that the customer will not get frustrated. It will be important to have a responsive, comprehensible web interface for two major reasons. First, there are so numerous choices accessible that it could turn into daunting to the patron and the second reason is that a large segment of sales will be positioned on the website. It is essentia l to create it so uncomplicated that people dont impede part way throughout ordering process due to cumbersome (Cateora and Graham 2007). The T-shirt will also incorporate the following techniques for boosting the sales. The priority is extraordinary customer service. The second technique is to fulfill the order giving the customer a feeling of furnished product and giving the customer a sense that the business is meant for the customer. Sales can be enhanced by providing high quality products (The Finance Resource 2010). Competitive Edge The T-shirt Company has following dominant competitive advantages. The strategic partnerships with companies that have existing graphic image libraries, The T-shirt Company is able to offer an extraordinary number of options. Other competitors costs proscribe printing custom shirts in one-off manufacturing runs while the T-shirt Company offers single item order (Gauzente and Ranchhod 2002). The T-shirt Company is a unique online T-shirt company that offers a wide range of customized products. It uses the sublimation process to put the prints on the fabric of T-shirts. This is a cost effective method since the T-shirt Company offers the option of small production runs. The use of recent technology has made the use of sublimation process cost efficient (Eighmey 1997). As specified and prà ©cised by the name, there will mainly be an emphasis on T-shirts. Organic fabrics, Long sleeves, Short sleeves and a variety of styles will also be offered (The Finance Resource 2010). Corporate strategy The corporate strategy of The T-shirts Company focuses its customers and peers keeping in view the idea to bring innovation and style in the world of T-shirt market. Build connection with consumers Bring affordable products with the demand the customers Make our online company a competitive advantage, through regulation and distinction Speed up growth through focused implementation The corporate strategy is meant to leverage the brand strategy (Johnson 1998). Brand Strategy Our brand reflects youth and style hence the tag line will be Wear the style with comfort. This reflects an impact of the target audience that is youth goes for style while adults prefer comfort (Greenwald, Anthony and Leavitt 1984). The brand strategy of The T-shirt Company is Brand Extension. Brand extension means coming up with a new product line along with the existing one. Initially we will emphasis on our core product that is the T-shirts. With the passage of time as the profitability of the current product increases we will go into line extension that is the manufacturing of other shirts for casual and formal wear (The Finance Resource 2010). Marketing and Brand Communication Our imaginative approaches guarantee engagement, and an occupied, considerate audience will be far more approachable to our message. We can create a communications strategy to maximize the impact, by communicating with your audience prior to, and following to any marketing event. All pre-event communication will be created in-brand our website, and other media methods we are adopting. This will build up expectation. All tactics designed to enhance the brand (Laroche, Michel, Zhou and Kim 1996). 2. MARKETING AND BRAND OBJECTIVES 2.1 Marketing and Brand Objectives Brand forms the foundation of a marketing activity and Brand plays the biggest role in creating space in the minds of a customer. The strength of the brand is critical to our companys long-term business health and profits (Griffin and Pustay 2009). The utmost objective of The T-shirt Company is to make The T-shirt preferred brand among the target audience (Greenwald, Anthony and Leavitt 1984). The brand will reflect the Recognition among the competitors Targeting the audiences so as to capture Attaining a number of new clients in the next year Positioning the brand as an industry leader in the next five months Employ a local promotion with the Companys targeted audience through the use of newspaper advertisements, flyers and word of mouth promotion and internet blogs. Develop the websites to fully attain the attention of the customers who are the ultimate people to be served (Woerndl 2007). The power of our brand lies in its ability to focus on its target audiences as the specificity of the products full supports to the brand. The objective of our brand is to gain customer loyalty in order to incline the customer to come for repeat purchases. The brand development clause will be incorporated in the corporate strategy to strengthen the impact for brand in future development (Jagdish and Sheth 1971). 3. MARKETING AND BRAND STRATEGY 3.1 Market Analysis Summary The T-shirt Company has segmented this market into two groups. The first target group is one who prefers already made designs. The second group prefers the customized designs. The basis of segmentation is again based on the demographic of the buyers as there are two separate groups of buyers (Laroche, Michel, Zhou and Kim 1996). 3.2 Market Segmentation The market has been segmented into two groups on the basis of the following two characters. By product type Age group 3.3 Target Market Segment Strategy The T-shirt Company has selected two market segments i.e. follow demographic segmentation and the second is based on Psychographic segmentation. The reason is that the customers will chose according to their lifestyle (Ackerberg 2001). 3.4 Business Analysis The T-shirt industry is brick and mortar based. This business is mostly niche but The T-shirt Company is meant to cater to the general market. Most of the associate in the industry fall into two major categories which include those that sell to individuals and secondly those that vend in multi-unit production (Brister 1991). 3.5 Competition The T-shirt will face local as well as international brand competition. Along with the online competitors brick and mortar competition is also prevailing in the market. Large numbers of companies are involved in computer based techniques to cut costs. The T-shirt Company is able to influence proprietary expertise as an aggressive edge to produce much higher quality computer sublimation (Gauzente and Ranchhod 2002). 3.6 Promotion Strategy We will adopt the push strategy making use of a companys sales force and trade endorsement activities to create consumer demand for a product (Laroche, Michel, Zhou and Kim 1996), 3.7 Price and pricing strategy The per unit price of each item i.e. one t-shirt is $ 20 which is very competitive as compared to the market. The price charged for products and services is set synthetically low in order to gain market share. Once this is achieved, the price will be increased. This approach will help in attaining the market share initially (Johnson 1998). 3.8 Strategy and Implementation Summary The T-shirt Company will influence its two competitive edges on rivals to quickly grasp and gain market share. These two competitive edges are wide range of graphic designs and the cost efficiency of the technology. Student groups and Youth events will be targeted. The same way, the sales campaign will attract the customers through word of mouth referrals (The Finance Resource 2010). Here you just define the things but you didnt explained what our company will do. I think if you read the details properly, you can find the proper procedure regarding the companys working 4. ACTION PROGRAM 4.1 Market Segmentation The market has been segmented into two groups on the basis of the following two characters. Market will be segmented on customer age basis. Ages 12-25 will be in more focus Market will be segmented on the basis of students because students will be our main customer Segmented to all those customer earning accumulative $ 8000 The marketing campaign will emphasize to promote the online shop as giving the customer a customized product (The Finance Resource 2010). There are few of the tactics to inform the customers about the venue of the product .The message can be spread as follows. 4.2 Promotion through Events Different events will be sponsored which includes sports events and music festivals along with the innovative kind of tremendous sporting events as a means of growing visibility. 4.3 Promotion through Kiosk The store will have a computer kiosk for customers to access the design book. The customer can then put the order online or take the information to a worker to place the order (The Finance Resource 2010). 4.4 Promotion through Student groups The T-shirt Company will involve student groups to actively participate in increasing the awareness about the product. The demographic and psychographic both factors will be visible in this tactic. 4.5 Product The major product is the t-shirts which will be promoted to the customers through the above mentioned media. 4.6 Logo Creation Our company will choose a logo for its branding. The logo will be source of recognition for the company since the emblem comes to the mind of the audiences. 4.7 Sales Forecast and sales Action plan The sales output will be conservative in the first year in order to fulfill the set targets. The sales forecast will be divided on the basis of the two factors that graphic design and the product type. The sales will be performed directly on the website portal. The directions for the usage of the site will be easy to understand so that the customer will not get frustrated (Urban 2004). The T-shirt will also incorporate the techniques for boosting the sales. The priority is extraordinary customer service. The second technique is to fulfill the order giving the customer a feeling of furnished product and giving the customer a sense that the business is meant for the customer. Sales can be enhanced by providing high quality products. 4.8 Website Optimization The website will be essential in The T-shirt company marketing effort is a key sales tool for both distant and customers. The access address will be used in promotional material and by heartening people to explore the company products. Good quality promotional t-shirts T-shirts printed with your logo or message. Branding is all done by sprinting. Graphics approves through e-mail. No hidden charges Free delivery to customers (I noticed you are giving references in every paragraph, but this is the plan in which we have to write our own company plan, so there should be more words(plan or strategies) from our side) You are absolutely right but This is the same way we asked you in HR assignment if you remember.. but we were asked to insert the reference in every part of the assignment 4.9 Market Audit The audit will include psychoanalysis of the companys marketing strategy, marketing association and marketing efficiency. It must be organized in order to give concrete conclusions based on the analysis. To make certain impartiality, this market audit is best done by a department, person or organization that is independent and is away of the marketing program. Marketing audits must not to be done when the value of a current marketing plan of a company is in problem; it has to be done sporadically to isolate and resolve problems prior to they arise. Marketing audit will be held in case if the existing marketing plan fails to operate effectively. The audit will be run accordingly to solve the problems in advance. It means that marketing audit will help the company in gauging its profitability and effectiveness (Xiaofen and Yiling 2009). The company will actively look, make possible, and give confidence for feedback, both encouraging and pessimistic by creating friendly and omnipresence of complaint and suggestion systems (Woerndl 2007). 4.10 Management Our influential online entrusted management system can make possible all communication; this includes organization of enticement and registrations, ensuring all delegate necessities are met 5. PROJECTED PROFIT AND LOSS STATEMENT 5.1 Financial Look Up The sales forecast is sensibly conservative so that goals will be attainable. Sales will be slow at the start, a function of the fact that The T-Shirt Company is just a start up organization and it will get time to build an ample foundation. The total budget we assume $100,700/- approx here we take assumption of increase in sale and percentage of taxes and interest rates. 5.2 Assumptions Percentage Increase in Sale 147% Percentage Cost Of Sale 147% Inflation Rate 21% Increase in Rent per Year 10% Payroll Tax 15% Interest on Debt 10% Tax Rate 30% Total Equity 25200 Total Debt 75500 5.3 Sensitivity Analysis The company can also faces any declines in terms of revenues in economic downtown and our product which basically considered as a non-essential item and therefore company can also faces any issues in profitability and income due economic recession. So considering the fact Company has to pay attention and focus on the sales and the profits earning should remain same or even better in any economic stage (The Finance Resource 2010). 5.4 Income Statement Year 1 Year 2 $ $ Sales 117882 291169 Direct cost of sale 58941 145584 Other Cost of Goods 0 0 Total Cost of Sale 58941 145584 Gross Margin 58941 145584 Percentage of Gross Margin 50% 50% Expenses Payroll 68400 82764 Sales, Marketing and other Expenses 2500 3025 Depreciation 996 996 Rent 11000 12100 Utilities 3300 3993 Insurance 3000 3630 Payroll Taxes 10260 11799 Total Operating Expenses 99456 118307 Profit Before Interest and Expenses -40515 27277.27 EBITDA -39519 28273.27 Interest Expense 6045 5700 Taxes Incurred 0 5743 Net Profit -46560 15834.27 Net Profit/Sale -39% (set it at -25%) 5%(this is ok) Note: 1$ = Rs. 85 (PKR) 6. CONTROL METHODS The control method comprises of the following efficiency calculating techniques. 6.1 Sales Analysis Monthly sales forecast and the target meted will be matched to find the accuracy of the promotional campaign .It will help in comparing the sales target and the discrepancies (Urban 2004). 6.2 Market-share analysis Market share will be analyzed keeping in view the sales of other competitors (Gauzente and Ranchhod 2002). 6.3 Expense-to-sales analysis It will clearly demonstrate the range of costs that are explicit and implicit of achieving the company sales target (The Finance Resource 2010). 6.4 Financial analysis Strict financial accountability will exist. It will calculate various performance ratios such as profit margin, Expense-to-sales analysis, sales to assets and profits to worth (Cateora and Graham 2007). 6.5 Customer satisfaction It is the eventual pointer of tracking goal accomplishment. Recurrent satisfaction and customer constancy surveys should form an essential part of any marketing drive (Gauzente and Ranchhod 2002). 6.6 Profitability control There is no point in extravagant limited resources on marketing efforts that guarantee nothing except name appreciation. The company will focus and check what products and consumer groups give in the most profits and assessment of running campaigns (Cateora and Graham 2007). 6.7 Efficiency control The local picture is important. The company will scrutinize if there are any divergence between the feedback of consumer types and various market niches (Brister 1991). 6.8 Strategic control The accompaniment of effectiveness control is tactical control. It counts for the overall and long-term marketing plan: It will clearly bring to the front the weaknesses, and market opportunities (Gauzente and Ranchhod 2002). 6.9 Marketing audit The marketing audit is the raw matter for the tactical control. It will ensure that the marketing plan highlight the companys strengths that are well-matched with shifting market reaction, events, fashions, predilection, needs, and precedence of consumers (Cateora and Graham 2007).